The Most Expensive Slot Machine Ever Sold

Once upon a time a site called cobbled together and threw out an *attempt* at video #JoUrNaLiSm about the Top 10 most expensive pinball machines in the world. This video propagated through the pinball internet recently and was much maligned.

If you are a Pinside Price Police Person or at least mildly aware of pinball market prices, do not view this video while drinking or eating something, because you WILL do at least one spit take.

Most expensive slot machine, most expensive advertising slot uk. Group: Registered. Joined: 2020-10-24.


World's Most Expensive Slot Machine

The Most Expensive Slot Machine Ever Sold

Now that you have seen that “video”, take a look at what Dennis Kriesel from Eclectic Gamers Podcast and This Week in Pinball podcast has done.

After being told by a commenter that if he was cool enough, he would make a better video, he proved that he was in fact cool enough to make a video *better* than that other video up there! It’s called, “Top 10 Possibly Expensive Pinball Machines in the World” and it has a narration with a very appropriate accent. Your move, naysayers!

The Most Expensive Slot Machine Ever Sold Items

INB4 the inevitable BS false copyright strike. This beautiful, transformative work is slathered in the sweet juices of “fair use”.

A+++ 5 Stars. Would watch again.

Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.

The Most Expensive Slot Machine Ever Sold The World

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Most Expensive Slot Machine In The World

Shoot here and here!